ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research


ISPOR—The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research

The Process

Based on our recommendations, ISPOR brought DelCor consultants back to provide interim Chief Information Officer (CIO) services and choose a new association management system (AMS), and a digital agency to assist with implementing a new content management system (CMS).

Our strategic consultant—acting as a CIO—helped ISPOR develop a technology strategy and operations plan that recommended adding internal technical resources. We assisted with interviewing candidates, and the organization was then able to hire an IT Director to support their new IT environment and create an internal role responsible for managing the organization’s web content.

Services used for
this project

Managed Services

Digital Strategy


The Solution

DelCor provided CIO services until ISPOR had all the tools to support their environment independently. The organization has since worked to select a new managed service provider (MSP).

The DelCor CIO is still available on an ad hoc basis—providing strategic guidance to support the organization—and is currently helping to establish a project prioritization process.

“DelCor was a dedicated and collaborative partner on the technology segment of our financial audit. Their contributions were instrumental in ensuring that GIH kept abreast of the ever-evolving IT and cybersecurity requirements in these challenging times.”

Elena Anderson, Director of Finance and Operations, Grantmakers in Health

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