Category: Assessments

  • Behind the Scenes at AMS Fest

    Dave gets the AMS Fest inside scoop from Norma Castrejon and Gretchen Steenstra, senior consultants at DelCor. 

  • Three Essential Positions on Your Project Team 

    You expect to see nine players on the field at a professional baseball game, right? But what if you go to a game and your team’s catcher, first baseman, and […]

  • National Association of School Psychologists

    National Association of School Psychologists CLIENT: National Association of School Psychologists SERVICES: System Selection Data Strategy and Governance The Challenge NASP (The National Association of School Psychologists)—a membership organization that […]

  • Society of Women Engineers

    Society of Women Engineers CLIENT: Society of Women Engineers SERVICES: Data Strategy and GovernanceSystem SelectionCybersecurity The Challenge In 2019, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) contracted DelCor to assist with […]

  • A Mid-Sized Professional Association

    A Mid-Sized Professional Association CLIENT: A Mid-Sized Professional Association SERVICES: The 501c IT Maturity Model™Managed Services The Challenge In 2020, a well-known and well-respected professional association contacted DelCor needing an […]

  • The 501(c) IT Maturity Model™ Whitepaper

    At DelCor we believe in a “beyond the technical” approach. Download our whitepaper, The 501(c) IT Maturity Model™ Assessment, and find out how to connect your technology, people, and processes […]

  • A Requirements Analysis is Critical to the Success of Your Technology

    When you’re put in charge of implementing a new enterprise-wide system, you’re likely to end up as the office hero—or scapegoat. To a large extent, your fate will be determined […]

  • Technologies Your Organization Can’t Ignore

    Ray Stankiewicz from Matrix Group and DelCor‘s Tobin Conley chat with Dave about their MM&C presentation, “Five Technologies Your Organization Can’t Ignore!”

  • The IT Maturity Model: How Has it Matured?

    DelCor Senior Strategic Technology Consultant Mike Guerrieri joins Dave for a look at the DelCor IT Maturity Model and its evolving role in association technology assessments.

  • Cybersecurity: Where Are We?

    Dave is joined by DelCor cybersecurity expert, Dan Lautman, for a check-in on the state of cybersecurity and cybersecurity assessments for associations.